For Children
We offer a family-centred approach to therapy. We focus on the overall development of the child utilising a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment.
"Early Start" is our Early Intervention Therapy Service
Early Intervention therapy sessions typically begin with an assessment of your baby’s strengths and difficulties. Our team of specialist therapists will work intensively with you, over a period of one week to help your child achieve their goals and help you manage their condition at home.
We can offer any combination of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy, and each speciality is allocated depending upon your main concerns.
Bobath therapy in early intervention works with your child in everyday situations like playing, dressing and undressing, moving around and eating and drinking. Our therapy aims to influence all areas of development including motor, sensory, play and communication.

We offer 90-minute consultations for families, which offer support without the need for you to commit to ongoing therapy.
Led by a senior Bobath therapist, consultations allow you and your child to access and learn appropriate activities to support their development.
You will also have the opportunity to practise these with their local therapist if required.
Who are consultations suitable for?
Children and families who may not have a formal diagnosis
Children and families who have one or two specific issues to be addressed
Children and families who are not ready to commit to therapy
Short Intensive Therapy (SIT) Block
A block consists of a detailed assessment of your child's condition by a lead clinician, followed by intensive therapy over three days or one or two-week period.
During this block, you’ll attend between 3 to 14 daily double sessions. We provide a combination of physio, occupational and speech & language therapy depending on your child's needs. This intensive therapy, provided over a short period, is proven to help your child improve and gain skills.
You will be present at all times during the sessions, which will allow you to learn strategies and techniques to help manage your child's condition at home.
At the end of your visit, you will receive a home programme of exercises for your child with a detailed report on their therapy sessions, which can be shared with a nominated health professional.
Who are these blocks suitable for?
Children and families who are visiting for the first-time
Children and families who are in need of intensive therapy
Children and families who cannot attend regularly
Children and families who require an annual assessment
Children and families who travel long distances

Regular Therapy Sessions
Regular therapy allows families to make flexible and consistent visits for therapy. This option is ideal for families who live locally and can make regular visits to the centre.
Who are these blocks suitable for?
Children and families who live close to the Centre
Children and families who can visit more frequently